Deniliquin Golf Club has started a ‘Flood Recovery Fund’ that will raise money to help relieve the financial strain from the recent damage.
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Estimates suggest the cost of the flood will run into hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The recovery was discussed at a board meeting on Tuesday evening, and various activities are being considered to help get the club back on a sound financial footing.
The board will be seeking as much government assistance as possible, but will also be asking club members and community members to ‘lend a hand’.
This will include a voluntary levy on club members, of any amount that you are prepared to give.
Contributions can be made at the club, or via direct deposit to the bank account listed in the golf club’s advertisement on this page.
Members are also advised that it will be several weeks, at minimum, before the front 12 holes are playable.
There is a lot of flood damage to greens and fairways, with about 1000m² of dead turf to re-sow, plus damage to greens and bunkers.
Until further notice, members are asked to stay off the front 12 holes.
If everyone complies with requests from outdoor staff they will be able to get the course open at the earliest time.
Volunteers have attended working bees this week to start the clean-up around the clubhouse, including removal of sandbags.
Working bees will not be held on the golf course until after Christmas.
The recovery is obviously going to be a long and arduous process, so everyone’s cooperation to get the club back on track will be appreciated.
You can start by supporting the club at the raffles, which return tonight.
Tickets are on sale from 6pm with draws at 7.30pm. Light meals will be available.
Bingo players are also advised that bingo resumes this morning.
On the golf course, the monthly medal was played on Saturday.
Men’s winner was Ross Taylor and ladies winner was Jane Armytage.
Taylor also won A-grade with net 73 from runner-up Jarryd Pearce net 75, and in B-grade Ben Littman had net 78 to win from runner-up Stephen Townsend net 81.
Last Thursday’s ladies winner was Pauline Davis with 36 points from Denise Hunter on 33, and on Wednesday the men’s stableford winner was Gary Stephens with 38 points from Ross Taylor 36.
The usual events will be held on the back six holes over the coming week, with stableford aggregate tomorrow, ladies 9 holes on Tuesday, men’s stableford on Wednesday and ladies 2 person ambrose on Thursday.
Last week’s results:
Thursday, December 1, ladies stableford:
P Davis 36, r/u D Hunter 33.
Ball comp: V Seely, J Glowrey, K Simpson, c/o 33.
NTP: 2nd shot 17th – P Davis, J Glowrey.
Saturday, December 3, single stroke, monthly medal:
Men’s medal – R Taylor; ladies medal – J Armytage.
A-grade R Taylor 73, r/u J Pearce 75; B-grade B Littman 78, r/u S Townsend 81.
Ball comp: G Stephens, P Joice, J Radeski, C Thomson, T Grant, J Armytage, N Purtill, G Rothwell, K Leetham, P O’Brien.
NTP: T Grant, R Phillips.
Wednesday, December 7, men’s stableford:
G Stephens 38, r/u R Taylor 36.
Ball comp: F Conallin, J Radeski, N Purtill, P Locke.
NTP: J Hunt.
Off the Tee columnist