TheDeni Junior Giants wrapped up the 2022/23 season with a presentation night attended by more than 150 people on Friday.
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The night was held at the Deniliquin Rams Football Netball clubrooms.
Giants president Matthew Way welcomed everyone and thanked players, families, supporters, sponsors, coaches and team managers for making the year such a success.
All of the under-18s boys and seven of the under-18s girls aged out after many years representing the Giants, and were called up the front to be celebrated.
“I call on the younger junior players to aspire to what these players have achieved,” Way said.
Later in the evening a slide show played to recognise the players’ journeys.
The night concluded with the fourth life membership announced for the club, which went to Richenda Everett.
The life members are celebrated for their exceptional contribution and dedication to the Deni Junior Giants.
Since the Giants induction in 2016, there have been three previous life members - Leanne Landy, Brendan Willoughby and Michael Everett.
Presentation results:
Under-12s girls: MVP - Isabella Goodear; R/U MVP - Aysha Bartlett; Coach’s Award - Indi Conallin.
Under-12s boys: MVP - Angus Henderson; R/U MVP and Coach’s Award - Lachie Tritton.
Under-12s boys development: MVP - Cormick Hardman; R/U MVP - Charlie Murray and Michael Benger; Coach’s Award - Jimmy O’Connor.
Under-14s girls: MVP - Bella Hillier; R/U MVP and Coach’s Award - Nina Glowrey.
Under-14s boys: MVP - Logan Elphick, R/U MVP - Joshua Goodear; Coach’s Award - Sam Conallin.
Under-14s boys development: MVP - Archer Moodie; R/U MVP - Ollie Murray; Coach’s Award - Stuart Benger.