Sunday Medley Nov 24
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A grade winner with 42 Pts John Backhouse
Runner-up with 40 Pts Scott Wilson
B Grade winner c/b with 39 Pts Michael Love
Runner-up with 39 Pts Andrew Woodward
Ball Rundown: Matt Holland 39, Wayne Shaw, John Taylor, Brett Keir 38, James Toohey, Leisha Thomas 36
NTP 12 th Men – Greg Lee-Conway
NTP 12 th Women – Anne Smith
NTP 18 th James Toohey
Eagles Nest Taj Snith
Cheap Tuesday Nov 26
Winner with 43 Pts Justin Bakkum
Runner-up with 37 Pts Gary Patterson
Ball Rundown: Shane Castricum, Neil Caulfield 36, Wayne Shaw, James Gordon, Peter Hunt 35
NTP 4 th Nathan Thomas
Women’s Stableford Wednesday, Nov 27
W inner with 39 Pts Debra Eason
Runner-up with 37 pts Jeannette Aylward
Ball Rundown: Jan Mills 35, Marg Monks, Lyndie Nixon 34
NTP 18 th Debra Eason
Thursday Medley Stableford Nov 28
Winner with 42 Pts Michael Love
Runner-up with 41 Pts Dean Dwoschak
Third with 40 Pts Brett Cuthbert
Fourth with 40 Pts Alex McGillivray
Fifth with 40 Pts Marty Cunningham
Ball Rundown: Trent Vonarx, John Black, Tim Hicks, Terry Moriarty 39, mark Chappell, Laurie Atwell 38, Guy Rowe, Darren Hughes, Michael Knowles, David Holmes, Regan Schmidt, Phil Willcoxson, Nathan Thomas, Terry Davidson, Ian Kay, Geoff Boyd, Tim Patton 37, Shane Rohrich Darren Chester 36, Michael Doolan 35
NTP 4 th Terry Davidson
NTP 18 th Marthy Cunningham
NTYP 3 rd 2 nd shot John Black
NTP 9 th 2 nd shot Tim Hicks
Jackpot Hole Terry Davidson
Hidden Holes Winner – Brett Cjthberty
Best Scratch Score – Nathan Thomas
Friday Medley Stableford Nov 29
Winner with 41 Pts Ashley Carter
Runner-up with 35 Pts Nickolas Conduit
Ball Rundown: Glen Campbell 34
Men’s Stableford – Saturday, Nov 30
Div 1 winner with 37 Pts Dean Dwoschak
Runner-up with 35 Pts John Black
Div 2 winner c/b with 34 Pts Stuart Clifton
Runner-up with 35 Pts Simon Hickey
Ball Rundown: Matthew Rennie 35, Steve Graham, Wayne Shaw, Justin Forge 34
NTP 4 th Steve Carrick
NTP 18 th Gary Davie
Lady Niners
The ‘three’ person Ambrose winning team: Marg B, Eileen and Helen with NET 39 NTP/ Eileen Ramsom. What a fun day! A little something to mix things up and beat the heat.