But she’s also very handy with a camera, and one of her images will be seen in most local homes and businesses for the next 12 months.
Stacey’s image of the new sculpture on the Deniliquin Beach to Beach Walk was selected as the cover for the 2024 Deniliquin Telephone & Business Directory.
The local phone book is produced by the Deniliquin Pastoral Times on behalf of the Deniliquin Business Chamber.
This year, we went out to you to submit photos for the cover.
The cover was also selected by you, in a people’s choice vote.
Stacey captured the photograph at sunset while on one of her leisurely walks with her husband.
"I saw the competition for the phone book cover on the PT Facebook page, and I went back to see if any of my photos would work," Stacey said.
Not thrilled with the selection she had on hand, Stacey went out again with her camera specifically looking for the perfect cover shot.
And it paid off.
“I am thrilled to have my photo on the cover,” she said.
“It perfectly showcases the beauty of the Deniliquin walking track.”
The sculpture was created by Deniliquin artist Rachel Braybon, and designed in consultation with local idigenous artist Liticia Ross.
Commissioned by Edward River Council, it was installed in March last year behind the Peppin Heritage Centre and Crossing Cafe.
It sits just next to the Edward/Kolety Bridge, meaning it can also be seen by passing motorists.
Called ‘Our River’, the installation represents the role of the Yarkuwa Indigenous Knowledge Centre rangers - of caring for country to maintain the local river system and to preserve the knowledge of the riverine environment for the benefit of the broader community.
Rachel explained the three waves represent the sky, land and water of the Kolety Werkul (Edward Wakool) River System.
“The Wamba Wamba Perrepa Perrepa people look to the sky - the first wave - to tell stories with the stars and to identify changes in the weather,” she siad.
“The land - the middle wave - is their home, their connection to sky and river.
“The river - the third wave - is the lifeline, song lines and food source. It is life itself.”
The Deniliquin Telephone & Business Directory can be purchased for $5 from the Deniliquin Business Chamber, Deniliquin Newsagency and Deniliquin Pastoral Times office.