Occupation: Barista.
Favourite sporting team: None.
Where were you born? Rosebud.
Who do you find most inspiring? Freddie Mercury.
What was your childhood ambition? To be a scientist.
What is your most prized possession? The teddy I made with my best friend.
If you could invite three people over for dinner, dead or alive, who would they be? Freddie Mercury, Markiplier and Crank Gameplays.
Last movie you saw? Bohemian Rhapsody.
Favourite holiday destination? Gold Coast.
What is your favourite meal and drink? Pasta and soft drink.
What did you do on the weekend? Worked, then took some time off.
Something people might not know? I have a lot of knowledge in science.
If I won the lotto I would: Help my parents with whatever they need to pay.