One of the Lions Club’s most successful fundraisers for over 40 years, the organisers have struggled throughout the pandemic with various COVID-related interruptions.
But now they are back, hopefully interruption and mask free.
Lions Club president Carole Stevenson and Deniliquin Lions Bingo coordinator Yvonne Harford said they are very excited for the re-start.
‘‘We are excited to finally bring it back,’’ said Ms Stevenson.
‘‘Hopefully most of our regular players will return, and we’ll see some new faces as well.
‘‘It has been a tough two years for fundraising, and our bingo players have not been able to use the regular games as their social outlet.’’
The Deniliquin Lions Club was the first to introduce bingo to the town, and since then it has continued to play an important role in the community.
Lions Bingo was initially held in the Town Hall and then at the Coach House Hotel Motel, before moving to the Multi Arts Centre in Cressy St more than 20 years ago.
It was with proceeds from bingo nights that the Lions Club purchased the block where Navorina Nursing Home was built.
Ticket sales start at 7pm each Thursday, for eyes down at 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome to attend.