A 42-year-old woman had sustained significant head injuries before allegedly being set on fire.
When officers attempted to assist the woman, a male senior constable suffered burns to his hand while trying to extinguish the blaze.
Despite the efforts of emergency services, the woman died at the scene.
A 31 year-old man, who police confirm was known to the woman, was arrested at the home and taken to Deniliquin Police Station.
He was subsequently charged with murder (DV) and refused bail to appear at Deniliquin Local Court yesterday.
The case was then adjourned to a Griffith audio visual link hearing.
He has been remanded in custody until a hearing on February 8, 2022.
Sirens cut through the normal busy sounds of the Deniliquin CBD about 2pm on Wednesday as police responded to what was initially reported by NSW Police Media as an assault.
Two police cars rushed down Cressy St towards Deniliquin south.
A few minutes later, a Deniliquin Fire + Rescue fire truck turned the corner at Edwardes St and followed the path of the police cars down Cressy and then End Sts.
The 31 year-old man was arrested at the home.
Police established a crime scene which included closing the section of Dick St between Henry St and Stratton Court, with both police and the
Deniliquin Volunteer Rescue Association helping to exclude unnecessary traffic from entering.
The road remained blocked into the evening, while forensic investigators combed over the scene.
Those investigations were continuing yesterday morning — the home still cordoned off by police tape and multiple yellow police markers scattered across the front lawn.
■ Anyone requiring crisis support can contact Accessline on 1800 800 944 , Lifeline Australia on 13 11 14, BeyondBlue on 1300 224 636 or Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800. Information is also available at www.denimentalhealth.org.au.