One other mum was already in labour, and it was almost like a race to the finish line.
But with the process “going so smoothly”, the new parents were pleased to learn their son Arthur Frederick would go down in local history books.
He was born at 10.10am Wednesday, weighing an impressive 4082g (9lb).
“I was only saying to Anthony the night before that I had not heard if there had been a first baby of the year yet,” Sarah said.
“When we came in Wednesday morning we found out there was one other mum in labour, and we were told we were likely to be first, but you never know.
“It was all so smooth, especially compared to our first child. I just turned up, and it was like ‘I’ll have my baby now, please’.”
Older brother, two year-old Rupert, was also born at Deniliquin Hospital but by emergency caesarean.
Interestingly enough, Sarah and both her sons were delivered by the same Deniliquin doctor - Marion Magee.
“We are so lucky to have a maternity service here in town, and we’ve only ever received fantastic care,” Sarah said.
“The maternity nurses do such a good job - they work such long hours, but nothing ever seems too hard for them.
“Arthur was delivered by Marion Magee and Tess Plattfuss, and Ben James was the anaesthetist.”
Like his brother Rupert, little Arthur will grow up on the Mayrung farm.
The Beers say they’re not quite sure what having two boys on the farm will be like yet.
“The first one is wild as it is, let along having two boys,” Sarah laughed.
“And being on the farm as well!
“Rupert is very outdoorsy and loves the machinery, but seems to get distracted after about five minutes.
“He’s more of a sheep man really.
“We just have to wait for them to both be old enough that they can get out and open up gates for us,” she joked.
Arthur is a grandson for Chris and Heather Heagney of Deniliquin and Laurie and Pam Beer of Mayrung.
Great-grandparents Lorraine Curtis, Wally Beer and Bev and Merv Winnell are also all based locally.